Colleague Experience

You can't deliver a brand aligned experience without looking at Colleagues, Suppliers & Shareholders.

Maximise Your Colleague Value

The mirror to Customer Experience and why our approach is termed People Experience. The aim of the game is creating an alignment between Brand Purpose and Customer outcomes/experiences WITH and BY Colleagues. This is the heart of our DONE WITH not DONE TO approach that sets us apart and why we call ourselves practitioners NOT consultants.

Our Approach To Colleague Experience

People (not Customer) Experience

We've been part of the journey since the start of CX and we have used it as part of a large number of transformations. In our experience we have found that colleagues are more important to focus on than customers themselves, since they are the one's who create the experience for your customers.

A Window In The Heart Of An Organisation

We believe in aligning your team with your organisation's purpose and contributing to it. If your team are appearing calm on the surface to keep customers happy but in fact paddling like crazy to make it happen, this is not a good position to be in. Start by making your colleagues lives easier and they in turn will make life easier for your customers.

The Most Valuable Resource

At our core, we value your team and believe they can be the biggest contributor to successful change. Unlike most consultants who often dismiss colleagues by using them in change, we take a different approach. We always do change WITH colleagues and not TO them. This is not about being nice, it is about maximising the opportunity. Most colleagues come to work to do a good job, start by helping them.

Colleague Experience Case Studies

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