Customer Experience: An opportunity for Transformational Change?

What is Customer Experience (CE)? And how can it deliver the transformational impact on the bottom line that many believe it is capable of?

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Key takeaways:

  1. Customer Experience Should be a Total Company Approach: Learn how Customer Experience (CE) isn't just a departmental role but a strategic framework that maximises customer value across the entire organisation. For optimal results, it must be driven from the top down.
  2. Building upon Marketing and Customer Experience: See how CE builds upon marketing and customer service, aiming to create a comprehensive approach to enhance customer value at every level within a company.
  3. The Importance of Customer Retention: Understand the significance of customer retention over constant acquisition, noting that a small increase in retention can have a substantial impact on the bottom line.
  4. How Customer Experience Aligns with Holistic Marketing: The insight underscores that CE aligns closely with holistic marketing, recognising the importance of internal, social, and traditional relationship marketing in today's business landscape.
  5. How to Leverage Emotional Engagement: CE leverages emotional connections to drive customer buying decisions, showing the importance of aligning with the customers' needs and wants.